Home Remedies
- Early treatment: It's best to treat migraines as early as possible because this tends to give you the best chance of getting relief. Some patients who have a severe headache wait until they are sure that "it's going to be a migraine.” The problem is that when the headache intensifies, the treatment you use is not likely to be effective.
- Drink enough water: Water is very important to maintain a healthy body, but it is more important to drink water if you suffer from migraine attacks. So, do not let more than two hours elapse without drinking a glass of water. It is important that you drink at least two liters of water a day unless your doctor says otherwise. When you feel you are going to have a migraine, drink a glass of water. Try not to get dehydrated because this may cause migraine attack.
- Monitor your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) frequently: HRV is the measure of time between successive heartbeats. Generally, the higher your HRV, the better your body can handle stress.
Research shows a strong association between migraines, headaches, and
imbalances in the autonomic nervous system. Do research on APPS that will
allow you to monitor your HR.
- Make exercise a routine: If you are a migraine sufferer, it is important to make exercise a daily routine. Physical activity helps reduce the frequency of migraines and the intensity of pain.
signals that can reduce the intensity of migraine pain.
Walking is a simple and easy exercise to do. At least try to walk for 30
minutes to reduce migraine pain!
- Decrease the pressure you may have on your head: a hat, a headband, glasses, goggles, or a tight ponytail can cause a headache. Similarly, if they are worn for a long time, they can constrict the blood vessels in your head.
- Watch for Weather Changes: Every person is different, and some people are affected by climate change.To find out if you are sensitive to weather changes, record weather changes and when you have migraines. That way you'll be sure if your migraines are related to weather change. If you are weather affected in this way it means you can prepare better for the next attack
- B-Complex Vitamin Supplement: For long-term protection from migraines, take B-Complex vitamins. These are usually inexpensive and can be effective.
B vitamins are safe in the long run because they are water-soluble and are not
stored in the body.
- Avoid chemicals and strong odors: Strong odors from chemicals can trigger a migraine attack.
One study found that it may help predict chronic migraines in children.
Do you have osmophilia? If you do, keep track of your migraine smell triggers
so you know what to avoid.
- Avoid Processed Food: If you suffer from migraines you should avoid eating food that contains a large amount of histamine, nitrates, and nitrites. These chemicals can cause a migraine. (Learn more about migraine and diet here)
inflammatory responses in your body. What foods contain histamine?
Processed meat, dairy products, fish and fermented foods including beer and
wine. Too much histamine can cause symptoms of allergies and headaches.
What are nitrates and nitrites and what foods are they are added to? They are
preservatives that are added to food to process meat and prevent the growth
of germs. These preservatives can cause migraines by expanding blood
Getting these chemicals out of your daily diet is an inexpensive way that may
prevent migraines.
- Take your Vitamin E: Vitamin E is very effective for headache and migraine symptoms and has no significant side effects.
Vitamin E reduces migraine symptoms caused by menstruation. Include foods
that contain vitamin E in your diets such as almonds and leafy green
vegetables to get a sufficient dose of vitamin E.
- Avoid Alcohol: How Does Alcohol Cause Headaches and Migraines?
Alcohol is diuretic. Alcohol increases urine production and this causes your body to lose more fluids and become dehydrated.
So, by altering blood vessels size and causing dehydration the body can be
more prone to a Migraine attack.
- Keep A Food Journal: It is important to write a food journal if you suffer from chronic migraines. If you write down everything you eat, when you have a migraine you will be able to identify which food is causing the attacks.
If you can't identify which food is causing your migraine, try removing foods
that commonly cause migraines from your diet one by one. Removing one by
one will help you recognize which one triggers your migraine.
- Try to avoid light: Bright and flickering light can cause a migraine. If you feel the migraine symptoms, try to avoid sunlight, bright indoor lighting, a computer, or cell phone screen.
from hitting your eyes.
Darken your bedroom as much as possible by using blackout curtains and
turning off all electronic devices.
- Try Biofeedback: Biofeedback uses information about muscle tension, skin temperature, brain waves, and other body signals to decrease stress. A machine with sensors placed on the skin is used to measure body changes.
There are differences in blood flow in the brain during migraine attacks and in
the pain-free periods in between. You can use biofeedback training to learn
how to change blood flow to the brain so you can better manage headaches.
Above are 14 natural and safe ways to help manage your migraines, and give you back some control.