Real People - Real Relief from Migraine's

Video Testimonials
Ruth Langdon
"Was completely blown away!!"
"My initial sceptisism was completely blown away after using the Migraine Stopper™️ for the first time!As a migraine sufferer for more than fifty years, I was resigned to getting little or no relief from conventional drugs.My first experience using the device was an enormous relief. It almost totally alleviated the worst symptoms. In fact the migraine didn’t eventuate – first time this had EVER happened. What a relief! The debilitating effects all but disappeared.I highly recommend the Migraine Stopper™️ for all migraine sufferers!"
Neegya Shrestha
“All it took was puffing air in my ears to take my pain away…”
Suffering from Migraines for the past 15 years. The pain was so intense, all I wanted to do was stay in complete silence in a dark room every time.Finally I used the Migraine Stopper™️ for a month. I tried it every time I had a migraine. It really reduced my pain, and I could do so many extra things in my life since migraines where not taking all of my time.
Patricia De La Mata
“I can’t believe how much this product has helped me”
I have suffered from migraines since a teenager. Constantly suffering from migraines has affected my ability to function on a daily basis. From missing days at work to being in a constant haze of pain. I tried the Migraine Stopper™️ expecting it to fail, just as numerous other medications and products have failed in the past, but just using the Migraine Stopper™️ a few times my migraines have been reduced to nearly nil. I can’t believe how much this product has helped me.
Helen Forrest
"I’m still at that “can’t believe it” stage!"
I have suffered with severe migraines for almost 30 years. In my teenage years I was prescribed daily medication for preventative measure due to the severity and regular nature of the migraine attacks.Over the years, headaches have become an everyday occurrence for me and I have just had to learn to live with the pain, it’s just become a normal way of life.When I get full on migraines due to the pain, extremely severe ones can last up to 3 days.After using the Migraine Stopper™️ for the past 4 weeks, I can say that it is nothing short of amazing! Each time I feel pain coming on and apply the therapy it stops it in its tracks. If I haven’t caught it in time and have left it to progress before applying the therapy, if it hasn’t stopped it completely (which it mostly does), it has at the very least, reduce the pain to a level which allows me to get on with my day than it progressing to a full on migraine.This device has already made a massive improvement on my quality of life and is something I never want to be without! After 4 weeks of using it, I’m still at that “can’t believe it” stage, yet I know it works!
Olivia James
"I was amazed……!"
When I used the Migraine Stopper™️ I was amazed by it. I’ve tried so many different techniques to get rid of my migraines before so it’s fantastic to find something that actually works. I was surprised that a non-medicinal option could be so effective. I’ll certainly use the Migraine Stopper™️ in the future and I’d advise anyone with chronic migraines to do the same.
Kyash Nutter
"This is a case of “too good to be true” gone right!"
For the times that I use the device, it either paused the migraine from getting worse or completely stopped it all together. I genuinely couldn’t recommend the Migraine Stopper™️ enough. Devices like these need support to make such a fantastic solution become readily available to the general public.
Matthew Gray
“I tried everything that Dr’s recommended”
Previous to using the Migraine Stopper™️, I tried everything that Dr’s recommended to me, e.g. acupuncture, exercise and drugs never really worked for me. Only strong medication available through prescription worked, but it didn’t work every time and then there was the side effects of taking the medication repeatedly which is not ideal. Once being given the Migraine Stopper™️ to try, I was able to successfully “turn off” about 4 migraines in a 3 month period and reduce a “very severe” to a manageable migraine. After using the Migraine Stopper™️ for those 3 months, I then noticed that I had barely any further migraines after that for 2 months which was rare for me. I am very grateful that such a simple, drug free treatment exist that not only assist with stopping, but preventing my migraines.
Grisham Glan
"to my surprise the Migraine Stopper™️ has really helped me”
The Migraine Stopper™️, has helped me get great relief from my migraines. I have been having migraines for the past 3 years and medications, acupuncture, nothing, has worked for me so far.But to my surprise the Migraine Stopper™️ has really helped me.I normally get most of my migraines at night time, and they always make the next morning difficult to get out of bed as I usually wake with a very heavy head, and still strong head pain on the right side.When I use the Migraine Stopper™️ at night it dramatically reduces my migraine so I can sleep and then when I wake up I feel refreshed and rested like I can start the day properly!”
"No more migraines!!!"
For more than 10 years, migraines have been ruling my life. The pain is so intense, irritating (feels as if I can’t keep my eyes open) that it makes me avoid any “fun” time.If I walk in the sun, if I go to the movies, if I go to parties, if I eat something, ta-da MIGRAINE HAPPENS. So, I am the person who always says ‘I have a migraine, I cannot come’. This has happened so many times.When I started the trial with the Migraine Stopper™️, I was amazed as I had forgotten living without a migraine. Migraines every day were normal for me so when I experienced days without migraine I was SHOCKED. My life has changed, I go out, sun doesn’t scare me, parties I enjoy, loud action movies do not bother me and foods I am now up for trying. Migraine Stopper™️ has allowed me to minimize and at any time stop migraines. It takes less than fifteen minutes to get my life back.
Helen Tamang
“Thank you Dr. Adam “
I started using this device a few weeks ago and it has given me a very good result. Most importantly not needing to take any medications within these weeks definitely encouraged me to use this device. Very handy, easy to use/apply and works instantly. I would definitely recommend anyone suffering from a severe migraine to use this magical device. I am very much satisfied! Thank you Dr. Adam
Robyn Dennis
“at least 90% improvement in my migraines, and therefore in my life!”
I’ve been a migraine suffered for 50 years, and I’ve tried every new drug that’s been available, finally settling on an old drug which didn’t give me so many side effects. A friend told me she had heard of the Migraine Stopper™️, which was being trialled, and urged me to get on the trial. I made inquiries really without any hope of any success for me, as I have tried everything new remedy for migraines that I’ve heard of, but the fact that it wasn’t a drug was so much in its favour. The first migraine I had after I took home the Migraine Stopper™️ was quite severe and I was amazed when it disappeared within 10 minutes of using the device. This has not happened every time since, but each time the pain was considerably lessened. In the beginning, occasional headaches resisted the Migraine Stopper™️, but with consistent use, I’ve found all headaches cease within half to one hour. Another wonderful result is that I am not getting headaches nearly as frequently – going for weeks or more without any. I’d say there’s been at least 90% improvement in my migraines, and therefore in my life! I wish I’d had access to the Migraine Stopper™️ years ago!
Olivier James
“a great, medicine free, way to treat my chronic migraines”
The Migraine Stopper™️ is a great, medicine free, way to treat my chronic migraines. I found that I was able to prevent almost ¾ of my migraines with relative ease. It was great to discover a product had such a significant impact without needing to take any new medicines. I can definitely see myself including the Migraine Stopper™️ in my treatments of my migraines. I would highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from migraines and is searching for a non-medicinal solution.
“its worth testing”
The Migraine Stopper™️ is worth trialling as a way to prevent or reduce the effects of migraine. In my experience, it provided relief from vertigo and often, but not always, reduced migraine pain. As a “drug-free” alternative, it's worth testing.
Emma Coyle
"……easy to understand and use!"
I believe that the Migraine Stopper™️ is a great solution. Easy to understand and use. I personally believe that it helped decrease the severity of my migraines and decreased the time I suffered.Overall this product was a success for myself and I would recommend it to others.
Juliet Rogers
"...didn’t suffer from the migraine hangover the next day"
During the course of the trial I experienced two migraines, or migraine onset feelings, and used the stopper. On both occasions in made a difference – the second time, combined with a large glass of water, the pain disappeared after an hour and I didn’t suffer from the migraine hangover the next day – SUCCESS!I can’t wait until the product is available to buy – I really didn’t want to give the prototype back after the trial period
Catherine Co
"definitely helped"
I used the Migraine Stopper™️ on a number of occasions and can say it has definitely helped with managing the pain. Additional symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light and smells were also diminished after using the devise. THANK YOU!
Elyssa Herd
" effective alternative to prescription drugs"
The Migraine Stopper™️ is an effective alternative to prescription drugs. It is quick and easy to use with no side effects. The frequency of my migraines reduced by 50% and attacks were less intense-even during a period where typical “triggers” were present for me. I’d recommend migraine sufferers try it out. I’ve tried countless treatment in the past as a lifetime migrainer – this has had the best results.
Alif Farooque
It has helped me tremendously.
I started using the Migraine Stopper™️ recommended by Dr Adam Meredith last month. It’s very easy to use and it helps a lot to reduce and diminish the pain. It reduces the pain by releasing pressure off the nerve by sticking the devise on the ear, on the side where the pain normally occurs. I used it about 4 times on my left ear and then once on my right ear to reduce the pain. It has helped me tremendously and usually takes about 15 to 20 mins to turn off my migraine.
Susan Berry
"A great outcome"
I used the Migraine Stopper™️ for one month and in that time it stopped two migraines from the prodromal stage to becoming a full blown migraine. This has been a great outcome and I would be very happy to continue using the Migraine Stopper™️.
Philippa Easling
"Woke up feeling fine"
Felt a mild migraine coming on after noticing some flashing lights in my vision during the day. Prior to going to bed the pain became stronger so I started the Migraine Stopper™️ treatment and felt incrementally better before feeling OK enough to go to bed without medicating. Woke up feeling fine!
Maureen Burton
I've never written a testimonial for any product before this but I just HAD to email you!
I purchased your migraine stopper last week and it arrived in the post on Friday.
I bought it for my daughter, who over the last 8 - 10 weeks has had debilitating migraines.
She has had an MRI, blood tests, pretty strong prescription migraine medication etc. It has been so bad we have tried chiropractic, hypnotherapy, Bowen, acupuncture and although it reduced the migraine from a 10 to say a 7.5 she still couldn't see the day out at work.
I used to come to you years ago when I worked in Walker Street North Sydney. So when we came across your product (and knowing you and your professionalism) I thought it was worth a try.
My daughter came over on Friday night after work (already with a migraine) we watched your video a couple of times and then she went to work. She used it for 8 cycles and it "turned the migraine off". I cant tell you how thrilled we are! A product that works!
Its only Monday and she has continued to use it all weekend. Every time she gets a "niggle" she is using Migraine Stopper™️. She sent me a text this afternoon to say she hadn't taken any pain medication at all today!!!
Whats even more exciting (for me) I have suffered from trigeminal neuralgia for 34 years. It started again on Sunday morning. I did about 10 or 11 cycles with the Migraine Stopper™️ and it turned it off and I haven't had any pain since.
How can we shout this from the roof tops. So many people suffering debilitating Migraines. Your product is a life saver!!
Prue Salter
I was unsure whether the migraine stopper would work for my cluster headaches which I get twice a year for a period of 2-4 weeks. However when I started using the migraine stopper a week into my cluster headache cycle, that week I went from up to 70 panadol in the week down to just 4. It was incredible – to find a way to stop the headaches without taking drugs is a real relief. I have found that twisting the earpiece while pumping helps me to find the exact ‘vacuum’ spot for the device. I would highly recommend anyone who suffers from cluster headaches or migraine to try this.