4 easy steps to change
your life in 60 days
4 easy steps to change
your life in 60 days
Daily ear pumping to calm down your migraine brain.
Migraines are a brain hyper-excitability disorder. A migraine brain simply over reacts to normal life situations such as stress, weather changes, certain food, etc.
The two nerves largely involved in this brain hyper-excitability are the trigeminal and vagus nerve.
Normalising these nerves through neuromodulation can calm down the brain.
The Migraine Stopper uses gentle air pressure in the ear to neuromodulate both the trigeminal and vagus nerve to calm down the migraine brain.
The goal of daily ear pumping is to calm down the overactive migraine brain to reduce the frequency and severity of future migraines.
3 x 30 pumps cycles in the left ear and the right ear.
5 times per week .
Twice a day (morning and night).
To reduce or eliminate every migraine attack.
As soon as you feel your migraine beginning, start ear pumping on the side of pain (approximately 4 to 10 cycles) if pain persist, repeat on other ear (1 to 6 times).
The earlier you treat the better the likelihood of stopping your migraine.
To make lots of the sleep hormone melatonin in the morning, so you can sleep great at night, and reduce your migraines.
We know sleep and migraines are linked. Strangely too little sleep or too much sleep can trigger migraine attacks.
Migraine patients are 2-8 times more likely to suffer sleeping problems compared to the general public. Chronic migraine sufferers have more insomnia than episodic migraine sufferers.
A recent study has shown that the timing release of the sleeping hormone melatonin is delayed in Migraine sufferers and the greater the delay the more frequent and more severe ones migraines.,
Melatonin is the hormone of sleep. When this hormone gets released at night, restorative sleeping occurs. Morning sunlight in the eyes starts the process of making melatonin.
Get morning sun. At least 15 minutes (but can go longer).
No glasses or contact lenses to be worn.
Must be outside (not through glass window).
As close to the sun rise as possible.
Do this every day.
Go outside regularly through out the day (no glasses or contacts).
Do this as often as possible.
To block 100% blue light entering your eyes after sunset.
To reduce blue light during the day.
Daily ear pumping to calm down your migraine brain.
Blue light is everywhere in modern day society. Indoor lighting, your smart phone, computer, TV, laptop, etc. Blue light is toxic to a migraine sufferer's brain.
Blue light is a double threat to migraine sufferers.
Firstly, blue light directly activates the trigeminal nerve, contributing to brain hyper-excitability, and thus migraines.
Secondly, blue light disturbs the normal sleep - wake cycle in migraine sufferers. Reducing their restorative sleep, and decreasing the brain's ability to adapt to the environment.
AT SUNSET: 100% block all blue light by wearing blue light blocking glasses.
Do not take off your glasses until you are in bed and ready to sleep.
Ie: the last thing you do is turn off your bedroom light, get into your bed and take off your blue light blocking glasses.
**Blue light blocking glasses can be easily purchased through the internet or stores.
DAY TIME: Block blue light on all electronic devices during the day.
Never turn off your blue light blocking apps unless you have to for work.
**There are many free blue light blocking apps for your devices.
Of course, you can wear blue light blocking glasses during the day while looking at devices.
Any questions, please email us at: info@migrainestopper.com.au
Phone support, please call:
To check your blue light blocking ability:
For blue light blocking after sunset – you need 100% blue light blocked.
Regardless of which glasses and apps you use – the blue circle on the right must disappear completely, and most of the blue circle that is on the left.
Address: Suite 203/83 Mount st, North Sydney, Australia 2060
Migraines are a brain hyper-excitability disorder. A migraine brain simply over reacts to normal life situations such as stress, weather changes, certain food, etc.
The two nerves largely involved in this brain hyper-excitability are the trigeminal and vagus nerve.
Normalising these nerves through neuromodulation can calm down the brain.
The Migraine Stopper uses gentle air pressure in the ear to neuromodulate both the trigeminal and vagus nerve to calm down the migraine brain.
The goal of daily ear pumping is to calm down the overactive migraine brain to reduce the frequency and severity of future migraines.
3 x 30 pumps cycles in the left ear and the right ear.
5 times per week .
Twice a day (morning and night).
To reduce or eliminate every migraine attack.
As soon as you feel your migraine beginning, start ear pumping on the side of pain (approximately 4 to 10 cycles) if pain persist, repeat on other ear (1 to 6 times).
The earlier you treat the better the likelihood of stopping your migraine.
To make lots of the sleep hormone melatonin in the morning, so you can sleep great at night, and reduce your migraines.
We know sleep and migraines are linked. Strangely too little sleep or too much sleep can trigger migraine attacks.
Migraine patients are 2-8 times more likely to suffer sleeping problems compared to the general public. Chronic migraine sufferers have more insomnia than episodic migraine sufferers.
A recent study has shown that the timing release of the sleeping hormone melatonin is delayed in Migraine sufferers and the greater the delay the more frequent and more severe ones migraines.
Melatonin is the hormone of sleep. When this hormone gets released at night, restorative sleep occurs. Morning sunlight in the eyes starts the process of making melatonin.
Get morning sun. At least 15 minutes (but can go longer).
No glasses or contact to be worn.
Must be outside (not through glass window).
As close to the sun rise as possible.
Do this every day.
Go outside regularly through out the day (no glasses or contact lenses).
Do this as often as possible.
To block 100% blue light entering your eyes after sunset.
To reduce blue light during the day.
Blue light is everywhere in modern day society. Indoor lighting, your smart phone, computer, TV, laptop, etc. Blue light is toxic to a migraine sufferer's brain.
Blue light is a double threat to migraine sufferers.
Firstly, blue light directly activates the trigeminal nerve, contributing to brain hyper-excitability, and thus migraines.
Secondly, blue light disturbs the normal sleep - wake cycle in migraine sufferers. Reducing their restorative sleep, and decreasing the brain's ability to adapt to the environment.
AT SUNSET: 100% block all blue light by wearing blue light blocking glasses.
Do not take off your glasses until you are in bed and ready to sleep.
Ie: the last thing you do is turn off your bedroom light, get into your bed and take off your blue light blocking glasses.
**Blue light blocking glasses can be easily purchased through the internet or stores.
DAY TIME: Block blue light on all electronic devices during the day.
Never turn off your blue light blocking apps unless you have to for work.
**There are many free blue light blocking apps for your devices.
Of course, you can wear blue light blocking glasses during the day while looking at devices.
Daily ear pumping to calm down your migraine brain.
Migraines are a brain hyper-excitability disorder. A migraine brain simply over reacts to normal life situations such as stress, weather changes, certain food, etc.
The two nerves largely involved in this brain hyper-excitability are the trigeminal and vagus nerve.
Normalising these nerves through neuromodulation can calm down the brain.
The Migraine Stopper uses gentle air pressure in the ear to neuromodulate both the trigeminal and vagus nerve to calm down the migraine brain.
The goal of daily ear pumping is to calm down the overactive migraine brain to reduce the frequency and severity of future migraines.
3 x 30 pumps cycles in the left ear and the right ear.
5 times per week .
Twice a day (morning and night).
To reduce or eliminate every migraine attack.
As soon as you feel your migraine beginning, start ear pumping on the side of pain (approximately 4 to 10 cycles) if pain persist, repeat on other ear (1 to 6 times).
The earlier you treat the better the likelihood of stopping your migraine.
To make lots of the sleep hormone melatonin in the morning, so you can sleep great at night, and reduce your migraines.
We know sleep and migraines are linked. Strangely too little sleep or too much sleep can trigger migraine attacks.
Migraine patients are 2-8 times more likely to suffer sleeping problems compared to the general public. Chronic migraine sufferers have more insomnia than episodic migraine sufferers.
A recent study has shown that the timing release of the sleeping hormone melatonin is delayed in Migraine sufferers and the greater the delay the more frequent and more severe ones migraines.
Melatonin is the hormone of sleep. When this hormone gets released at night, restorative sleep occurs. Morning sunlight in the eyes starts the process of making melatonin.
Get morning sun. At least 15 minutes (but can go longer).
No glasses or contact to be worn.
Must be outside (not through glass window).
As close to the sun rise as possible.
Do this every day.
Go outside regularly through out the day (no glasses or contact lenses).
Do this as often as possible.
To block 100% blue light entering your eyes after sunset.
To reduce blue light during the day.
Blue light is everywhere in modern day society. Indoor lighting, your smart phone, computer, TV, laptop, etc. Blue light is toxic to a migraine sufferer's brain.
Blue light is a double threat to migraine sufferers.
Firstly, blue light directly activates the trigeminal nerve, contributing to brain hyper-excitability, and thus migraines.
Secondly, blue light disturbs the normal sleep - wake cycle in migraine sufferers. Reducing their restorative sleep, and decreasing the brain's ability to adapt to the environment.
AT SUNSET: 100% block all blue light by wearing blue light blocking glasses.
Do not take off your glasses until you are in bed and ready to sleep.
Ie: the last thing you do is turn off your bedroom light, get into your bed and take off your blue light blocking glasses.
**Blue light blocking glasses can be easily purchased through the internet or stores.
DAY TIME: Block blue light on all electronic devices during the day.
Never turn off your blue light blocking apps unless you have to for work.
**There are many free blue light blocking apps for your devices.
Of course, you can wear blue light blocking glasses during the day while looking at devices.
Any questions, please email us at: info@migrainestopper.com.au
Phone support, please call: 1300-850-771
Any questions, please email us at: info@migrainestopper.com.au
Phone support, please call: 1300-850-771
To check your blue light blocking ability:
For blue light blocking after sunset – you need 100% blue light blocked.
Regardless of which glasses and apps you use – the blue circle on the right must disappear completely, and most of the blue circle that is on the left.
To check your blue light blocking ability:
For blue light blocking after sunset – you need 100% blue light blocked.
Regardless of which glasses and apps you use – the blue circle on the right must disappear completely, and most of the blue circle that is on the left.
Address: Suite 203/83 Mount st, North Sydney, Australia 2060
Address: Suite 203/83 Mount st, North Sydney, Australia 2060